Commercial Tenant Application

Corporation: Articles of Incorporation must be provided and 2 years’ Annual Report and corporate tax return.
Partnership: Partnership Agreement must be provided plus individual partners’ current personal financial statement and 2 years’ personal tax returns.

Individual: Personal balance sheet and 2-years’ personal tax returns must be provided. Must include Drivers’ license

Commercial Tenant Application
Please Check One
Check as applies
Check as applies

Applicant, Principal(s), General Partners(s) and lndividual(s) represent that all of the above statements are true and correct and hereby authorizes verification of the above trade references including, but no limited to, the obtaining of a credit report, Dun & Bradstreet Financial/credit information and furnish additional credit references upon request. Applicant consents to allow owner/agent to disclose tenancy information to previous or subsequent owners/agents. The undersigned hereby waives any privacy of credit information rights or regulations.